zondag 24 april 2011

Outfit and room

Hi guys,
yesterday I went to Xenos and Blokker to find some cute stuff for my new room yeah:)
And I promissed you some pictures so here are they:
everything from the Xenos

The necklace doll from Xenos and the Jewellry box from a tiny shop in Egypt - Cairo.
From Xenos, it actually are Teabag boxes. And it was written on the top but I nailed it off ;D hehe

And that was my outfit. I am wearing this suuuuuuuper cute top  that I bought on friday from some kind off  exclusice vintage shop in Amsterdam. It is a brand new top. It was 18 euros. And I am soooo happy with it. I love it. I matched my top with a dreamcathing necklace from H&M. Here it is :).

zaterdag 23 april 2011

My rolemodel

Hi guys,
Today I'm gonna show you some interviews and pictures of Demi Lovato. My rolemodel.
I really love her. And her lifestory so far is just so sad so great. Listen to this interview and you'll know why.


So.. this were pictures of her growing up.
But. I hope it's a little bit clearer why she is my rolemodel now.
She's been through alot of tough things and she came out stronger at the end of the day.
She is against bullying. And I love her for standing up for others.
Much love, Zenab

zaterdag 9 april 2011

I was so unique.., now I feel skindeep.

Hi you guys..
Today I kind off felt down without a reason.
Just not happy with who I am.. This song is a song that
really hits me and where I can relate to sometimes.. like how I feel now.
I know it's just a fase and I think every girl has this fase in some time of her life.
Here is the song.

For the rest I went to V&D today and found a cute top from WAREHOUSE (!!!!!) in sale (!!!!!).. for 13 euro's (!!!). I love it. A picture comes soon.
Here is my outfit.

sorry that you have to click on the links :(..
Love you guys and #StayStrong & #LoveIsLouder so.. just much love Zenn

vrijdag 8 april 2011

Love is louder than the pressure of being perfect.

Here is my outfit detail pic. I tought the blouse was kindoff 'big' and it really stood out.
That's the reason I didn't put on any necklaces or unnescecerry jewelery.
Here it is ;)


woensdag 6 april 2011

Fever fever,

Hi guys..
for the last 4 days I've been really ill and I had an fever.
Tommorow I'll start school again and I'll show you
guys my outfit. I'm so sorry for my lack of posting.

zaterdag 2 april 2011