woensdag 30 maart 2011

Sorry again :$

Hi guys,
I'm so sorry ..
But I've been so busy lately and not concentrated at all.
Some of my grades became average (7 - 8) .
But whatever. I'm really in a period when I just don't want to study anymore!!
Anyways, my attick is getting renovated. First it's getting extended and than splitted in
2 rooms. I CAN'T WAIT TO DECORATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And SATURDAY is my birthday, My present is some money to save!
And I went shopping with my mother as my birthday present.
I pick she spends the money mwmwmamamamamamaahahahahahahah :P loool.
Anyways here is one inspiring picture ...
much love Zenn

zondag 20 maart 2011

I really like it when the moon looks like a toe nail.

Hi you guys,
I saw the supermoon yesterday! It wasn't even that big though, lol! This also is the explaination on the title of this post. So today I learned alot for Science and Maths. The sun was so bright today I loved it :):). Went to a terras with my mother and little sister i loved it. Here is a picture I took of my sister wearing my RayBan look-a-like. Next week my lessons will only last till 1 am :).

zaterdag 19 maart 2011

When two worlds collide.

Hey darlings,
I am so sorry for my lack of posting SHAME ON ME. So I'll give you guys lots of pictures and I'll tell you what happend Friday & Saturday (today). Friday i woke up and got ready. Turned on the computer to check my hyves,twitter and facebook. Rebecca Black was trending, okay? Who the heck is Rebecca Black?! So I watched her youtube video and listened to her vocals. She sounded so autotuned but I'm happy for her if this was her dream it came true. I'm not a hater so I wish her the best. I'm not a fan of hers. But I still wish her the best. I also watched her interview with Sheen... This really shocked me. This girl named Rebecca Black 13 years old has been told that she should get an eatingdisorder so she will look pretty and she should cut herself and die. What the hell are you guys talking about, are you freaking crazy. So pathetic! I get it she can't sing super good but telling her to die?! Okay anyways, i went to school learned alot... yeaah. But when school was over it was raining sooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard and the bad thing is I was wearing my brandnew converse !!!!!! Second of all there was police in front of my school wth? I don't even know why. So my dad picked me up because of the rain. I came home made some homework and learned a bit. OYEAH BTW DEMI IS BACK ON TWITTER YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Sorry ''$ so happy :). But I'll come back on Demi later. My Friday went okay for the rest. Today I woke up and saw the tweet @ddlovato to @selenagomez saying she misses her! They used to be best friends forever but they seperated for some reason DELENA IS BACK :):) So happy. Here is one of their webshows and a song they made together, one mini outfit pic and inspirational pictures.


Love Zenn!

dinsdag 15 maart 2011


Totally in love with the beautiful colour!
I've bought it in the deep purple, this colour i hate :$!
xx Zenn

zondag 13 maart 2011

Sorry sorry sorry

I'm sooooooooo sorry for my lack of posting I'm not feeling well lately.
Yesterday I went shopping but came home with just 1 sunglasses because I was feeling like SHIT. Believe me.. SHIT. It was feeling like someone was punching every bone in my body. I'm feeling much better today. The last few weeks I've been studying so hard and I desperatly need some free days. Our teachers are driving me nuts. They are giving me 6 tests a week or more. This is crazy you guys and I'm also so busy with my little sister because I don't want to miss her childhood. And drawing.. and when summer comes I want to catch up with tennis again. My life is so busy I'm not enjoying it anymore :(. One thing that kinda made me happy was on wednsday demi's cambio video message here it is :

I love her; my rolemodel :)

And now ..Japan... I don't even know how to tell this. Its so bad I can't even realize it. I feel so bad for everyone there and all my prayers go out to them! Keep Japan and the world in your prayers.
I've also orderd my all stars finally. The slim hi leather version in black.

i fell in love with them.
much love Zenn !

zondag 6 maart 2011

Outfit and randomness

here's my outfit pic!

Much love, Zennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

zaterdag 5 maart 2011

2 Outfits & new buys

Hi guys,
sorry for my lack of posting :(! But I've been sooooooo busy lately.
And not with fun stuff. Exams exams exams. Just random exams. Which arent even logical to me.
I need to pick out a profile and its driving me nuts. I'm very artistic so all my art teachers I've ever had tell
me to pick out CM but I want to do NT. I want to be a homedoctor or peadrition.! Ugh. I wanted to do something with fashion a long while. But I've got over it and now I'm telling myself I WILL BUY FASHION; Yeaah. Here are my outifts and buys. AND I'VE GOT MY NEW BABYYYY MY BB TORCH :D!

Much love, Zenn

donderdag 3 maart 2011


I'm so happy there is gonna
be a Demi Exclusive on Cambio
We just don't know when and what!
lovelove, Zenn

dinsdag 1 maart 2011

A picture I like and outfit of the day

Hi you guys,
today was kinda a fun day. With stupid funny comments of my classmates in the middle of class. Like seriously ... xD So funny. I'll tell you that another day! Here are the pic's. Tell me what you think!! xx

do you like it?